Número 1  Volume 35  -  2006

Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina

Análise dos casos de retinoblastoma atendidos no Hospital Regional de São José


Objective: To analyze retinoblastoma cases attended at Plastic Ocular Department of Ophthalmology Service at Hospital Regional de São José - Homero de Miranda Gomes (HRSJ-HMG), between 1994 and 2003, establishing the most attacked age, the most frequent hysthological type and precocity in treatment.
Method: Retrospective study of 18 patients with retinoblastoma, evaluating the variables: child’s age in the first consultation; affected eye(s); gender; main signs and symptoms in the first consultation; complementary exams used in the diagnosis; result of the anatomicopathological exam; accomplished treatment; time of attendance after the treatment.
Result: The medium age of the children on the diagnosis was of 2,5 years (±1,53). There was no difference between the gender of the affected patients. Five cases were bilateral and thirteen unilateral, being the left eye a little bit more affected than the right one. The clinical sign more frequently found was the leukocoria (66,6%). Most were submitted to CT (77,7%). The enucleation was the treatment accomplished in 17 patients. The medium time of attendance was 10,7 months (±11,9).
Necrosis and calcification were the predominant findings in the anatomicopathological exam (77,7% and 66,6%, respectivaly).
Conclusion: In this study, the medium age on the diagnosis was of 2,5 years. There was no difference between the gender of the affected patients. Most of the tumors were unilateral. The treatment most accomplished was the enucleation. All these data was in agreement with the literature.

Keywords: 1. Retinoblastoma;
3. Treatment.