Número 1  Volume 35  -  2006

Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina

Acidentes oculares nas atividades esportivas


Objective: Analyze 20 cases of patients victims of ocular injuries during sport experience admitted at the Ophthalmology Service at the Hospital Universitário from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC).
Methods: Reports from 20 patients admitted at the Hospital Universitário from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (HU-UFSC) during the period from March of 2003 to March of 2004 were retrospectively examined.
Results: Most of the patients were come from Florianópolis (65%), followed by Florianopolis´ Metropolitan Region (25%) and other places (10%). Male victims represent 85% of the data sample. The distribution related to which of the eyes were damaged shows 60% for the left and 40% for the right; there was no case of bilateral ocular lesion related case. Soccer was the most played modality (50%) followed by volleyball (10% of the data sample). Balls were the hurting object in 60%
of the cases, finger and feet in 15%. The average age in which most of the cases occurred was over 18 years old, representing 65% of the data sample; the profession was student (40%) followed by lawyer (10% of the cases). The most common incurrence founded in the cases was the hyphema (23,3%) followed by iritis posttraumatic (16,6%) and haematoma / edema palpebral (13,3% of the cases).
Conclusion: It can be concluded that even being preventable, ocular injuries are still happening frequently and
bringing important consequences.

Keywords: 1. Trauma;
2. Ocular bulb;
3. Sports experience.