Número 4  Volume 41  -  2012

Arquivos Catarinenses de Medicina

Experiência inicial da terapia hiperbárica na síndrome de fournier em um hospital de referência no sul catarinense


Initial experience hyperbaric therapy fournier syndrome in a referral hospital in southern Santa Catarina

Introduction: Fournier gangrene is a necrotizing fasciitis affecting the scrotum and perineal area. Methods: We reviewed the medical records of eight patients who were diagnosed with Fournier’s gangrene and who underwent hyperbaric oxygen treatment as adjuvant form between the period march 2010 to april 2011 in São José Hospital, Criciúma, SC analyzing variables: gender, age, etiology, lesion location, surgical procedures performed. Results: The majority were men with a mean age of 32.8 years. The most common site of involvement was the urogenital region. Etiologic agent was most frequently found Enterobacter agglomerans. All underwent surgical debridement, and colostomy was performed in three patients. The average number of debridements was 2.5. The mean hospital stay was
45 days. The average number of sessions in the hyperbaric chamber sessions was 20.2. One patient died. Discussion: Early diagnosis of this syndrome is critical to success in treatment is based on clinical stabilization and correction of potential disturbances, and surgical treatment consisting of extensive debridement of injured tissues. Hyperbaric Therapy as adjunctive method has shown excellent results and should be used as an
additional method to traditional treatment with studies showing a lower mortality rate. This is an experience, with small number of patients, but with excellent results in cases performed.